Thursday, August 14, 2008

The class photo that I really want to take..

Got a message from J. She said that today 4E3 took class photo..but I was not there...Felt a little's the last official class photo..yet I was not there...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Get up and climb again...

Dearest Sec 4s...
I know today is not a good day for many of you. I, myself, was feeling rather fidgety and I realised the reason was because sub-consciously I was worried about your MT results. I had wanted to drop you guys a message this morning but unfortunately, muddle head me left my phone at home. I was waiting for news but nothing came except for a MSN message from one of you. From that message, I knew that things did not go that right. Upon confirmation, I found out that quite a number of you did not perform up to expectations. I wish I could be there to cheer everyone up.

But look guys! I will only you all to sulk for just 12 hours because you are given a 2nd chance to better your results! Do remember that you have an ultimate battle to fight come October! Having MT as part of it is no big deal! Just remember that the teachers are here to help you along and fight with you! So, just get up and start climbing the hill again...the peak is within sight...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How's everyone?

Amazing, isn't it? Ms C or Mrs N actually managed 2 entries consecutively! I guess there's just so much that I want to share and let out.

Dropped Ms R an sms to congratulate her for achieving the Dedicated Service Award and had a short 'chat' with her. It felt really nice..not forgetting Ms M's comments on my's really very heart-warming to hear all the encouraging words from you girls! Isn't it interesting? It's like a role reversal. Usually, it should be the teacher encouraging the kids and seldom the other way round. Well, this is the beauty of teaching...after years of working hard and thinking that no one really realised that there are so many little angels around you. It just made my gloomy and tough day a lot prettier.

Although I must say that based on the little I know, some of you are still a little worrying...People! Remember! It's a mere 2 months to go! Isn't this what we have been waiting and working hard for all these years? I am really looking forward to next year...when we could laugh together...

Monday, August 4, 2008

The lousiest day so far...

The past 6 weeks at the new school have been rather smotth sailing, I must say. Although many colleagues did notice that I am not exactly that happy, I guess life is still not that bad. I guess today was really an exception. My dear students at LYS have been asking if my current students are bullying me. To be very honest, most are really nice and friendly. The initial reluctance to accept me has subsided quite a bit and I am slowly enjoying teaching the classes except for 1.

I walked out of the class today. I have been having terrible Monday blues all thanks to this particular class. That's because I only teach them character development and do not teach them any examinable subjects. Maybe in their minds, this is not that important. The first few weeks have been quite a struggle getting them to cooperate but today was the final straw. I had enough of their disrespect and decided to walk out. I refused to return despite the possible risk of being reprimanded by my boss as to me that's a sign of weakness. Really, at that point, no amount of scolding would deter me from staying put in the office. I was THAT angry!

After cooling down, I tried to recall when was the last time I walked out of a class. Can't really recall any this year nor last year. But I remember clearly that 2 years back, I walked out of a history class and the kids felt so bad that an apology card was made after I refused to see and her them apologise.

I guess I am still not over missing LYS and what I have experienced there. 5 long years and don't know how many hundreds of kids I have taught. Sometimes I really wonder will I ever be as happy in this new school?