Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Typical Week

Ever since starting on this job 4 plus years ago, my typical work week starts on Sundays. I think I have been doing work on most Sundays (exclude holidays) except when I feel really burnt out or when there is some events to attend. Now here's how a typical week will look like.

Monday - Rush to workplace. Print and print worksheet. Teach lessons as per normal. Stay back in school to prepare some work and clear admin. Reach home at about 6 pm. Have dinner shower and then start preparing next day's lesson. Sleep between 11 to 12.

Tuesday - Rush to workplace. Print and print worksheet. Teach lessons as per normal. Stay back in school to prepare some work and clear admin. Tutorials, CCA and sometimes meetings. Reach home at about 6 pm. Have dinner shower and then start preparing next day's lesson. Sleep between 11 to 12.

Wednesday - Rush to workplace. Print and print worksheet. Teach lessons as per normal. Stay back in school to prepare some work and clear admin. Reach home at about 6 pm. Have dinner shower and then start preparing next day's lesson. Sleep between 11 to 12.

Thursday - Rush to workplace. Print and print worksheet. Teach lessons as per normal. Stay back in school to prepare some work and clear admin. CCA and sometimes meetings. Reach home at about 6 pm. Have dinner shower and then start preparing next day's lesson. Sleep between 11 to 12.

Friday - Rush to workplace. Print and print worksheet. Teach lessons as per normal. Stay back in school to prepare some work and clear admin. Leave school a bit earlier to meet Dar. Dinner and return home to rest.

Saturday - Aerobics. Try as much as possible not to work but sometimes not avoidable. Go out and have some fun.

Sunday (my least favourite) - Aerobics. Return home and start preparing work for next day.

As mentioned, this is a typical week. It has excluded the impromptu meetings, meeting with students, interaction with students and special projects and events preparation like COL.

Don't I get sick of such life? Well, yes definitely. In fact, sometimes I really feel lethargic in the morning and do not feel like going to school. But somehow, when I reach school and start my lessons, the energy would somewhat come back. I do feel alive in the classrooms but what is left at the end of the day, is often tiredness and huge amount of accumulated work.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

An Introduction

This is a platform, dedicated to my main motivation in my job - young people and the daily happenings in my life. Many people think that being a social engineer involves imparting knowledge and needs to have an authoritative persona to make sure that the future generation will learn something. However, many people conveniently forget that information is rampant in this fast-moving world and for all we know,the job of social engineering might just become obsolete.

During my 4 years in the job, I realise that this is the kind of job in which you will get in touch with up to 200 different people a day. Everything you say impact not just your boss, your colleagues but also young people who also have aspirations of their own. The direction of learning does not just take place from a social engineer to the young people. Honestly, the vice versa has happened to me and is still happening.

Thus, this is my main motivation to even take time to set this blog up. I want to share stories. However, due to my job, this is going to be a controversial move. Therefore, please note that NO real name will be mentioned. I am just sharing my thoughts and snapshots from my experiences.
